Whatever Happened to Slade? BOOK TOUR
Daryl Easlea's long awaited biography of Slade: 'Whatever Happened to Slade? When the Whole World Went Crazee' is published October 12 2023.
To celebrate Slade and the biography, Daryl Easlea will be doing a series of events. We will update this page with more information and links.
29 September
Wolverhampton, Slade Convention
19 October
London, Walthamstow Rock 'n' Roll Book Club
Featuring a DJ set from Readers Wifes
20 October
Southend-on-Sea, Waterstones/Craftwerk Beers (SOLD OUT)
10 November
Manchester, Louder Than Words Festival
5 December
Dagenham, Dagenham Library
9 December
Brighton, Sound Affects
In Conversation with Alexis Petridis
16 December
Leigh-on-Sea, Fives Records